
Biogas upgrading


Information for Customers who are interested in Biogas Upgrading equipment:

If you would like to generate additional income from selling higher-value pure biomethane from your raw biogas then NeoZeo team would be happy to discuss a possible solution with you. Please consider the general questions below and then contact us for further information.

  1. Where exactly do you produce raw biogas?
  2. What is the source of your raw biogas, e.g. cow or pig manure slurry, municipal waste, etc?
  3. What is the flow rate (m3/hour) of your current raw biogas production plant?

We are always looking for new projects, opportunities and challenges.
If you have any offers, suggestions or questions please contact us.


Contact us to discuss potential capital and operational costs of Biogas Upgrading Modules based on financing alternatives and raw biogas characteristics.

Contact us.

Dr. Petr Vasiliev

  • NeoZeo AB
    Visiting address: Villa Bellona, Universitetsvägen 8
    Stockholm, SE-10691,
    email: info(@)

  • SIA "NeoZeo"
    Pulka iela 3/3
    Riga, LV-1007,
    email: info(@)

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Customers, partners and investors are welcome to meet us at our premises, as well as at other venues.

For detailed view and information please see the links below and use the map.

Partners, Projects and Investors

SIP PiiA - FUI-projekt våren 2017






NeoZeo AB received funding of 1 500 000 Swedish krona under the "SIP PiiA - FUI-projekt våren 2017" by VINNOVA. After successfully completing our feasibility testing project, NeoZeo - as key coordinator in collaboration with Ayond AB, Biogas Öst AB and Acte Solutions AB - will continue to develop our biomethane web-platform. The platform aims to foster biomethane usage as vehicle fuel through creating an online marketplace. This project is expected to boost local biogas and biomethane production and support local Swedish biomethane markets.

Find more information here.

Funding Agency: VINNOVA

Industry Partners: Ayond AB, Biogas Öst AB, Acte Solutions AB

HiGradeGas Project










Project Name: HiGradeGas

The HiGradeGas project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and received 14.8 million DKK investment. The project aims to find new ways to upgrade and store biogas using highly structured materials. The main goal is to design, install and test the demonstration unit which will showcase and develop a process that ensures optimum performance of nanostructured materials. These materials represent the absorbent in the biogas upgrading process, and by optimizing their performance, small scale biogas upgrading will become economically viable.

Find out more about the HiGradeGas project here.

Funding Agency: Innovation Fund Denmark

Industry Partners: EngiCer, Danish Power Systems, Ramboll, Sintef

Academic Partners: Denmark Technical University, Lulea University of Technology, Stockholm University, University of Southern Denmark

Rural Development Programme:

EU Logo

Jord Logo

Project Name: Fostering Decentralised Biomethane Production at Farms Producing Less than 300 Nm3/h of Raw Biogas | Project Number 2016-5414

Project is run by Rural Development Programme (landsbygdsprogrammet) 2014-2020 within the Agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) and is financed in part by funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Biogas XPOSE project and Life+ partners:

Biogas XPOSE project Life+

Biogas Ost

Vafab Miljo AB

Cortus Energy AB

JTI = Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering

Business Development Partners:

Research and Development partners:

Berzelii center Exselent on Porous materials

Stockholm University, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry

Riga Technical University

Investors and Funding Agencies:

Imprimatur Capital Fund Management

Life EU program

Energimyndigheten - Swedish Energy Agency


LIAA - Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

JEREMIE: Joint European Resources for Micro to medium Enterprises

“Ieguldījums Tavā nākotnē!” - “Investment in your future”

NeoZeo is a member of "Competence centre of environment, bioenergy and biotechnologies" , which is funded within the project framework, based on the Contract contract No. L-KC-11-0005 between SIA “Vides, bioenerģētikas un biotehnoloģijas kompetences centrs” and government Latvian agency "Investment and - Development Agency of Latvia" (LIAA). NeoZeo has two projects within the "Competence centre of environment, bioenergy and biotechnologies": „Biogāzes bagātināšanas procesa izpēte ar komerciāli pieejamiem sorbentiem ar apstrādes plūsmu 3-5 m3/h un ceolītu-adsorbentu modifikācijas un pārbaudes” and “Biogāzes bagātināšanas procesa izpēte ar sorbentiem ar neapstrādātas gāzes plūsmu 3-5 m3/h un 30–50 m3/h"

“Ieguldījums Tavā nākotnē!” - “Investment in your future”