
Partners, Projects and Investors
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Biogas XPOSE project and Life+ partners:

Biogas XPOSE project Life+


Biogas Ost


Vafab Miljo AB


Cortus Energy AB


JTI = Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering



Business development partners:



Research and Development partners:


Berzelii center Exselent on Porous materials


Stockholm University, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry



Riga Technical University



Investors and Funding Agencies:


Imprimatur Capital Fund Management


Life EU program


Energimyndigheten - Swedish Energy Agency




LIAA - Investment and Development Agency of Latvia


JEREMIE: Joint European Resources for Micro to medium Enterprises



“Ieguldījums Tavā nākotnē!” - “Investment in your future”


NeoZeo is a member of "Competence centre of environment, bioenergy and biotechnologies", which is funded within the project framework, based on the Contract contract No. L-KC-11-0005 between SIA “Vides, bioenerģētikas un biotehnoloģijas kompetences centrs” and government Latvian agency "Investment and - Development Agency of Latvia" (LIAA). NeoZeo has two projects within the "Competence centre of environment, bioenergy and biotechnologies": „Biogāzes bagātināšanas procesa izpēte ar komerciāli pieejamiem sorbentiem ar apstrādes plūsmu 3-5 m3/h un ceolītu-adsorbentu modifikācijas un pārbaudes” and “Biogāzes bagātināšanas procesa izpēte ar sorbentiem ar neapstrādātas gāzes plūsmu 3-5 m3/h un 30–50 m3/h"


“Ieguldījums Tavā nākotnē!” - “Investment in your future”